Libertarians Come in Twenty-Four Types if you are Ignorant or Willfully Dismissive of Libertarianism

Saw this and did a responsive series:

24 types

2 thoughts on “Libertarians Come in Twenty-Four Types if you are Ignorant or Willfully Dismissive of Libertarianism

  1. I like this. Esp. the Nevada one. But I disagree that a right not exercised is a right lost (compare: I never get arrested and never exercise my right to an attorney – the right still exists).

    It’s an interesting question: what is the difference between libertarianism and pure anarchy. There was a great Peter Schiff show about this, where the guest grilled Schiff on why he wasn’t an anarchist. I’m a pretty hardcore libertarian, which gives me pause (I don’t want be the guy who always try to out-libertarianize the next guy).

    I do think that if Peter Thiel can successfully launch a libertarian new government on a cruise ship(s), then I would probably move there and it’s economic growth rate would dwarf the rest of the world.


  2. The “right not exercised” problem is more figurative than literal. The point being, if nobody owns guns, very few will understand the value and none will complain when the right is infringed.


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